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Saturday, 12 July 2014

My Hijab Story

Assalamu'alaikum sisters! Today, I am going to tell the story of what made me want to wear the hijab. I just started wearing it a month ago. I can tell you I was really scared about it and what people would think but it does not matter anyway. I am happy with what I did and I will never regret. As long as Allah s.w.t is happy with me who cares what others think. I was born a muslim and I grew up in a religious family but I have never been forced to wear a hijab because it means much more when you choose to do it yourself and if your parents encouraged you to wear it you should be thankful towards them for teaching you the right thing. Anyway, I go to a public school and I am a very self-concious person. I really care about what others think so the thought had never occured to me plus I am a very fashionable girl. One day, I was just looking at lectures of women in Islam on youtube and I realised hijab is compulsary its not a choice. Allah s.w.t stated it in the Qur'an. So I started thinking about wearing it myself. Even then, I just though I'm not ready yet but to be honest if you keep saying that you will never be ready. You just have to do it. So I told my mum I wanted to wear the hijab and she was so proud of me she started tearing up ... happy tears obviously! The first time I put on the hijab was to the dentist and it was amazing, now I wear it everywhere! Its the best decision I have ever made honestly. Sometimes, it gets hot but I can deal with that, as long as Allah s.w.t is happy with me. So to all the ladies who don't wear a hijab, go ahead and wear it. Your a muslimah, show it to the world, be proud of it, your lucky to be a muslim, embrace it. Don't act like the disbelievers, we're special. Plus styling your hair is one less problem to worry about. And to those ladies thinking about wearing it but 'think' they're not ready yet, YOU ARE READY! JUST DO IT! If you keep saying that you will never put it on. You will regret it later.